First impression: Greenbriar is a wonderful community. It has wide roads, sidewalks on both sides of the roads, street lights, and is well-maintained. Greenbriar is centrally located and convenient to most everything Fairfax has to offer. Our schools are some of the best in the nation. The HVAC system was replaced on 10-15-2021 with a Carrier Comfort 16 SEER system; still under its 10-year warranty. Includes built-in humidifier & Ecobee smart thermostat. The roof was replaced on 11-03-2012 with Timberlake "Shakewood" shingles w/a lifetime warranty. New gutters w/ leaf guards were also installed. There are mature trees in the front yard, beautiful landscaping, ornamental lawn lights, statuary, a concrete driveway with extended expansion, a portico, french drains for ideal irrigation, a rock garden, and a monumental water fountain in a shell garden. The large backyard has a beautiful inground Anthony Sylvan swimming pool. The tiled patio has a pergola (with a lighted ceiling fan) and a natural gas Weber barbeque grill. There is one big tool shed and a small shed for pool supplies. The 6-station "smart" sprinkler system keeps the grass green and lush. There are stone pavers in all useful locations. The pool has been well-maintained and is approximately 30.ft x 15.ft, 13,000 gallons, with a shallow end of 3 feet and a deep end of 6 ft. All pool equipment is conveyed with the sale, including cover. The pool is also kept at an ideal temperature with an electric heat pump. The first floor of the house has a foyer, utility closet, storage room under the staircase, coat closet, pantry, laundry room, and powder room. The kitchen has modern appliances, a beautiful garden window, a tile floor, recessed smart lighting, engineered stone countertops, and a water filtration system. The dining room has a lovely (smart) chandelier, ornamental ceiling, and a matching dining room table and credenza that can be conveyed for a modest additional cost. The carpeted living room has a gas fireplace (remote-controlled) with blue crystals as a medium. The room has voice-activated track lights and a lighted "bladeless" ceiling fan. A breathtaking framed mirror adorns the fireplace and it is conveyed with the property. The expansive blinds in the living room are power-operated. The garage has been used as a home gym, workshop, and storage, and has a single-person infrared sauna. The sauna can be conveyed for a reasonable price. The garage has both air conditioning and heat. It is finished and could easily be converted to another room. The flooring of the garage has a very durable coating on it. There is also a lighted ceiling fan. The garage door, including windows, is fully insulated and the back garage door is also fully insulated. Ultimately, the garage is temperature-controlled. The garage door opener is smart and can be controlled by a remote or a cellphone app. There is an updated breaker panel with a special grounding system. The LG washer and dryer in the laundry room are wi-fi smart and have steam functionality. The dryer comes with a booster fan to facilitate faster and more efficient drying. The powder room has a bidet toilet seat that can be included or replaced with a conventional toilet seat. The stairwell has decorative tile risers that are beautiful. The railing and banisters are new. 2nd bedroom has 2 windows. There are two built-in shelves and it is carpeted. The lighted ceiling fan is smart. There is a vent booster that encourages more airflow. The second bedroom has a big window with a power blind. It has a nice-sized deep closet. There is a ceiling fan with a remote. The upstairs hallway has automatic lights and a large linen closet, also lighted. The hallway also has a ceiling pull-down step ladder for the attic. The attic opening has a thermo canopy cover. The attic has lighting, shelving, and an abundance of insulation blanketing. The spacious main bedroom has three mirrored closets & 2 lighted ceiling fans w/its own B.R.
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Podrobnosti o nemovitosti
Informace o nemovitosti
Typ nemovitosti
Seznam Kategorie
Na prodej
Velikost domu
čtverečních stop
3 lůžka
3 koupele
Dny na místě
7 Dny
Rok postavený
Číslo MLS
Informace o šarži
Velikost šarže
Architektonický styl/Design
Stavební materiály
Aluminum Siding, Brick Veneer
Vodní zdroj
Public, Community, Filter
Interiérové prvky
Bezpečnostní systém
Cooling: Central A/C,Programmable Thermostat
Heating: Forced Air,Central
Cooling Fuel: Electric
Heating Fuel: Natural Gas
Dryer - Front Loading
Dryer - Gas
ENERGY STAR Clothes Washer
ENERGY STAR Dishwasher
ENERGY STAR Refrigerator
Extra Refrigerator/Freezer
Oven - Double
Oven - Self Cleaning
Six Burner Stove
Stainless Steel Appliances
Washer - Front Loading
Water Dispenser
Water Heater
Water Heater - High-Efficiency
Exteriérové prvky
Cable TV
Cable TV Available
Electric Available
Multiple Phone Lines
Natural Gas Available
Phone Available
Sewer Available
Water Available
Architectural Shingle
Parkovací funkce
4 parkovací místa
Types: Off Street,Attached Garage
Features: Concrete Driveway,Lighted Parking
Has Garage: Y
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